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SimpleDrive - Spring 2024

I designed and developed a Windows Forms app that integrates with AWS services. Users are able to create their own account and securely upload, download, and share files in the cloud.


Lost in the Static - Spring 2024

I led the design and development of a narrative puzzle game over 6 weeks. I programmed many systems for the game and built a one-of-a-kind radio controller using an Arduino. I worked alongside a diverse team of six students: software engineers, artists, narrative writers. Lost in the Static was presented at the 2024 ACCAD Open House as an example of some of the best work being done in the department.


Unity Puzzle Games - Autumn 2023

I designed and developed four short puzzle games using C# and Unity. Along with programming, I created animations, 3D and 2D art assets, particle effects, and sound effects for each project. Each game was rigorously playtested to tweak mechanics and visual elements.


Stern Gerlach Simulation - Autumn 2023

I designed and developed a prototype of an educational simulation with Unity and C# that intends to teach abstract physics concepts to college students. Users place down components including magnets and detector plates and fire silver atoms through the setup.


Networking File Transfer Programs - Summer 2023

I created four file transfer programs with Python that send files over the internet using UDP and TCP. I implemented an alternating-bit protocol that retransmits lost packets.


Clash of Clans Minecraft Plugin - Summer 2023

I created a Minecraft plugin using Java that transforms a multiplayer server into a recreation of the mobile game Clash of Clans. Players can build their own island, attack offline players' bases, and collect resources.


Einstein's Quest - Summer 2023

I designed and developed a prototype of an educational game with Unity and C# that intends to teach abstract physics concepts to college students. Users play as squirrels and inspect acorns that have quantum properties.

Einstein's Quest

Toy Interpreter and Tokenizer - Spring 2023

I created an interpreter and tokenizer in Java for the toy language CORE. The interpreter is full-featured; it parses, pretty-prints, and executes code.

Core Program

This is a sample program written in CORE that my interpreter can execute.

Vision Based Pathfinding Simulation - Spring 2023

I created a predator and prey simulation with Unity and C#. The agents use vision based pathfinding to avoid obstacles (done with raycasting). The predators will chase prey if they are within their vision.


Isometric 3D Pacman Clone - Spring 2023

I created a 3D Pacman clone with Unity and C# on a team of three.


Randomized Mazes - Spring 2023

I created a unity project that generates randomized mazes with C#. The mazes are generated with the randomized Kruskall's algorithm.


Zelda Game Development - Autumn 2022

I created a zelda game with Monogame and C#. I lead a team of six students, and we planned and executed five Agile sprints. Focused on high quality code; wrote weekly code reviews. Managed tight deadlines and debugged difficult problems with peers' code.


Relational Database Design - Summer 2022

I designed a database for an imaginary client. I followed the complete design process, including creating an (E)ERD, relational schema, and functional SQL database.


Youtube Sub Counter (Raspberry Pi) - Mid 2019

I created a python program that integrates with the Youtube API. It checks the subscriber count of a given Youtube channel every few seconds and displays the count to a seven segment display that is connected to a Raspberry Pi. I made two videos documenting the project, including programming and creating an enclosure.

Subscriber Counter